

Lubricating eye drops for the prevention and treatment of surgical dry eye, for the promotion of repair of the ocular surface after trauma; protection against subpathological exposure to light

10 ml multidose bottle, preservative free

  • Therapeutic Areas: Ophtalmology

Product description

PRODUCT PATENTED Pre- and post-surgical treatment with eye drops to avoid or minimize the patient's symptoms has become common practice and is largely integrated in the pre- and post-operative protocols of cataract surgery, refractive surgery and, in general, all surgical ophthalmology practices (glaucoma etc.). Any accidental or surgical injury impacts on the first anatomical and defensive line of the eye, i.e. the cornea. Lacrisun is a preservative-free ophthalmic solution, containing: 0.1% hyaluronic acid; Amino acids (L-proline, L-leucine, L-glycine and L-lysine); Vitamin E TPGS; Riboflavin (Vitamin B2). It is a multidose bottle and while opened the product is usable for 180 days. Hyaluronic acid of appropriate molecular weight performs the moisturizing and lubricating function necessary to counteract the symptoms of dry eye that could occur in these patients for a variable time period. The presence of amino acids is important for the bioproduction of collagen and elastin, during the proliferation phase of tissue repairing which is essential for creating all the new tissues. Furthermore, the amino acids are converted into precursors of lysyl oxidase and therefore can increase the speed of the natural healing process of the ocular surface. The amino acids have the function of nourishing the corneal tissues and assisting the repair processes of corneal lesions. Specifically in Lacrisun, vitamin E-TPGS has the function of carrier for riboflavin (vitamin B2), in order to allow the passage of this substance across the corneal surface, positioning itself in the innermost layers of the cornea. In ophthalmology, riboflavin is widely used for the treatment of keratoconus, a pathology in which the cornea tends to wear out and become thinner, assuming a characteristic cone shape (corneal dystrophy called "ectasia"). The use of high doses of riboflavin combined with vitamin E-TPGS which carries the vitamin in the corneal stroma and thanks for the irradiation with a type A ultraviolet light beam, it allows the corneal surface to be strengthened, creating new connections between the collagen fibers which form the stroma, increasing its mechanical strength. In this way the cornea is stiffer, therefore less subject to the wearing out process, characteristic of keratoconus. In Lacrisun the administration of quantities of riboflavin sufficient to be activated by the UVA of the solar spectrum, but much lower than those administered for the treatment of keratoconus, allow to activate, in addition to the primary process of crosslink guided by lysyl oxidase, also the crosslink mediated from riboflavin, doubling the chances of rapid tissue repair.


Sodium hyaluronate, sodium chloride, sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate, sodium phosphate dibasic dodecahydrate, L-proline, L-glycine, L-lysine hydrochloride, L-leucine, Riboflavin sodium phosphate (0.075%), Vitamin E TPGS, water for injectable preparation. Preservative free


Close the bottle after the use: the content can be used up to 180 days after first opening. Store at a temperature below 30°C.